One of the challenges, priorities of any business owner is having a clear understanding of the entire health of a business.
Too often business owners don’t have a clear understanding how they are doing with – sales, inventory levels, inventory valuations, project overruns and even margins.
There can be a wealth of information directly on the Dynamics 365 Business Central homepage. Quick access to key metrics/activities with color associated cues.

The owner can get a quick glance of key indicators that drive the business.

In addition to the rich data visualizations out of the box, embedding Power BI charts is easy and provides additional intelligent insights.

Essential to any business is Sales. Providing quick access to key areas, such as on going sales is essential. Here Current Sales this Month is directly available from the homepage for quick and easy access to this information.

The list page displays details behind the Sales this Month. Users can drill into the details and also export to Excel for additional analysis if needed.

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