Here is some insight into Dynamics NAV’s upcoming support for Windows 10, Windows Phone 8.1, iOS, and Android.

Windows 10
We've added support for Windows 10 Creators Update released in 2017 and are preparing for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. We've also thrown in support for some interesting Windows features and devices - keep a look out for our upcoming blog post on how to run Dynamics NAV on the Surface Hub or HoloLens, and how to connect your Windows 10 mobile device to the big screen with Continuum.
Windows Phone 8.1
As of October 2017, the Dynamics NAV app will no longer support Windows Phone 8.1 because mainstream support for this operating system ended in July 2017. We recommend you upgrade compatible mobile devices to Windows 10 Mobile as soon as possible.
We understand this may cause some inconvenience to our users who own and love their Windows Phone, so we're throwing in a grace period which extends into next year.
In October 2017, the smartphone app will continue to work as it does today on your device, and can be installed from the Windows Store. But Microsoft will no longer provide updates, improvements, hotfixes or security patches.
In early 2018, the app will no longer be installable from the Windows Store.
iOS and Android
Dynamics NAV will support iOS 11 and Android 8 at the time of their release. We're also readying an update for Android that will support super-widescreen devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S8. With this wave of platform releases, we will be dropping support for iOS 9.0.
Source: Microsoft